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Our Mission

To Provide Biblical Counsel and Support Services to Ministry Leadership and those they serve; to maximize the provision of healthy ministry resources for Children, Youth, and Families in Crisis.

Our Strategy

  • To initiate and facilitate counseling, consultation, and support services [Workshops, Conferences, Training…] for individuals, families, and organizations to inspire personal and relational wholeness.

  • To develop strategic partnerships with other ministries and organizations, to maximize the provision of benefits to those in need.

  • To foster and strengthen ministry collaboration, promoting supportive relationships within the community to serve most effectively.

  • To facilitate respite and renewal opportunities for front-line ministers, to rekindle their passion and gifting for continued service.

  • To partner in the development of safe and  nurturing ministry environments for camping, retreat, and residential care where youth,  families, and those who serve them, experience the life changing love of Christ.

GracePointe Ministries

Igniting a Passion for Life that Impacts Generations for Christ


The Problem: “In this world you will face trials and tribulations, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.” … We are presently seeing countless lives filled with tremendous pain, loss, discouragement, defeat. People are searching desperately for solutions for peace, stability, safety, and fulfillment. We believe that Jesus Christ is THE solution. The Church, the Body of Christ is designed to be used by God to lead others to Him as that source. However, in our day, the decline in numbers and the impact of the culture of the church on society is alarming. The result is a decline in the influence and impact of the church to meet hurting and dying people with the hope and resource that god has given us in Christ. Therefore, they are looking, and searching desperately elsewhere. The question of WHY must be asked.


The following are two primary areas of need that GracePointe seeks to address in response to the “whys”.

First, a primary reason for decline must come down to a lack of personal experience and fulfillment on the part of congregants of the power and love of God which produces the fruit of love, fulfillment and subsequent obedience and works as an outflow of an intimate relationship with a living and loving God. The Church was established from “authentic” witnesses that were overwhelmed with the presence and love of God which led to a passionate desire to follow and share with all.

Secondly, in our present day, there is often a limited supply of healthy Christ-centered resources that meet many of the areas of life-applicable needs. Even further, when these resources are available, they are often not available to those who are in the greatest and most immediate need or are unaffordable to that demographic.


The Mission of GracePointe:

1) To address the first through Discipleship.

One of the greatest challenges for the Church has been to help integrate the Truths of scripture  and our faith to the practical needs and realities of our everyday life; physical, mental, emotional, as well as in the realities of occupations, finances, marriage, parenting, and so on. Often our discipleship for the scriptural necessity for renewing the mind has been limited to spiritual perspective and practice but with a disconnect from the life application of which it was intended. It is the mission of GracePointe to provide Biblical Counsel through, counseling, mentoring, life coaching with an assortment of resources to help in the integration process so that those in need would not only find resolution but come to know without question that the source of that resolution truly was and is Christ. Furthermore, our counsel then serves to help others walk out this new Way of life in their everyday realities. This mission will continue to be expanded through a series of workshops, conferences and small group sessions for education, training, and implementation of scriptural applications. These resources represent what we believe constitutes true Biblical discipleship which will “naturally” increase the spread of the gospel, expand the Kingdom, and bear fruit of freedom and abundant life which authentically bears witness to a living, loving, active God in whom we personally know and continue to experience.

2) Addressing the second, the mission of GracePointe serves to provide strategic Support Services to children, youth, and families in crisis and specifically to organizations who serve them; addressing the disconnect of healthy Christ-centered resources available in a timely manner to those in greatest need.

3) To Connect ministries and organizations for healthy collaboration of the Body of Christ to maximize resources available to those in greatest need.


This strategy given it’s expanse will be engaged by the leadership of the Holy Spirit and exercised day by day through direct services and our extensive network of strategic partnerships.


Our Key Emphasis will be to provide our services to ministry leadership and organizations to maximize the impact on the large population of children, youth and families in need.


Our Vision is to see THE Church providing healthy “holistic” Christ-centered resources readily available to children, youth, and families in crisis wherein a passion for life impacts many generations to come with the love and power of God through Christ.


Our Ultimate Goal is to see lives changed in discovering freedom and life found in Jesus Christ, which ignites a spiritual passion that impacts their  home, church, community, and the world for generations to come.

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